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MB2 Consultants is the one-stop shop for your business needs related to sustainability, climate change and health and safety.
Where we can help:

Overall management of Sustainability, Climate Change and Health and Safety.
Assessing performance and compliance opportunities.
Improving sustainability, GHG emissions and health and safety performance
in the supply chain.
Identifying sectoral or regional best practices and recommending indicators
and targets.
Stakeholder management. Internal and external engagement plans.
Mentoring and training sustainability and health and safety professionals.
Providing expert input and supporting specific initiatives.
Achieving and demonstrating compliance with clients sustainability, climate
change and health and safety requirements.
Implementing volunteering programs.

Adoption or enhancement of focused Sustainability initiatives.
Embedding sustainability into business strategy, policies and procedures.
Preparing sustainability reports.
Evaluating the adoption certification and sustainability schemes.
Identifying opportunities to enhance sustainability contributions of products
and services.
Identifying opportunities to reduce costs with waste, materials and use of
natural resources.
Implementing waste minimisation programs.

Improve business health and safety performance.
Identifying e advising on health and safety compliance and performance.
Advising on the alignment of strategy with plans, KPIs and targets
Implementing health and safety audit programs, incident investigation, and
Improving the quality and results of health and safety management systems.
Improving health and safety governance, including the board, management,
leadership, committees, representatives and teams.
Establishing industrial hygiene, occupational health and wellbeing programs.
Managing critical risks.
Manage business risks and opportunities related to climate change.
Assessing climate-related risks and opportunities.
Supporting climate disclosures through TCFD reporting.
Greenhouse gases emissions inventory.

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